Saturday, October 11, 2008

orthos + sketch + closeup

sooo tired.... z...z.z...


MR.SHIZZLA said...

watch that right leg of his !!! the knight. and neck shoulder area. Concept is in place and like skin palette.
The other character keep going , more definition.

Guillermo Talbott said...

god star. and i have to say that turns are a pain in the but! so you need to add some lines there to guide you tru the characters proportions, after that is done you need to make the character look more believable more 3d you know how that is.(don't know if the link will work, but that's a character i did a few months a go, not the beast but hope it helps!!)

Angelo Cordon said...

thanks guys!

yeah the knight is a bit wonky. i;m finding myself having to paint over my line art, which i have to do anyways. but it's a nice guide.

the orthos have the lines in photoshop, they should all line up. i hade to tweak some of them up in photoshop. bless the transform tool.