Saturday, August 29, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin

you guys, wouldnt believe the amount of work and thought and process that was put into this one illustration, lol. will post that sometime soon.


Emery Miller said...

I'm sure I believe it. Did you enter this in the Wild Things CHOW?

Angelo Cordon said...

There's a wild things chow? damn! I need to pay more attention to ca...

Brandon Jones said...

excellent work Angelo, this is such a nice break from the realistic stuff, and I am sure it makes you think in different ways about color, line and mood. Its very pleasing and enjoyable.

Angelo Cordon said...

Thanks for the comment brandon. You are absolutely right. This was an insane project for me and I learned a shitload about how value, color, shape and composition affects the whole piece!

watch out for a link sometime soon about this project! Glad you enjoyed it!