Friday, September 18, 2009

Interior Environment

Interior environment copied from a Pottery Barn catalog. I'll post revisions in a couple of days.


Brandon Jones said...

Nice and clean man. Hey guys, anyone of you should go check out the Disney Museum, just opening in the Presidio. I got a sneak preview cause my wife works in the Presidio and it was really interesting to learn not only about his life, but all the dealings he had to do from being an individual artist, to commercial and dealing with business. Its good.

Angelo Cordon said...

brandon - cam you put up a post about that? that's really interesting.

As for you emery - great idea referencing off interior design magazines. Actually, thats really a nice practice and is definitely outside of my comfort zone. Out of curiousity have you ever tried painting over 3d scenes?

Emery Miller said...

Will have to check that out. I'll be in the city soon. I'll let you guys know when.

Thanks. Still needs some work. I've never tried painting over 3D. Is that useful? I've never actually worked in 3D at all. Any advice?